This site is for Whitewater Estates homeowners. It provides points of contact, reference library, action forms, community news and current events, and the ability to send messages to the BOD. To navigate this website, go to the menu on the upper right corner of any page and select the subject desired.
Unless stated differently all meetings will be held at the Roy Community Church. Homeowners are invited to observe Board of Directors (BOD) meetings. If a homeowner wishes to raise an issue at the BOD meeting, please submit your issue to the BOD 30 days before the scheduled meeting. Announcement of General Membership (GM) meetings are mailed to all residents at least 10 days before the meeting.
Date & Time BOD Meeting General Membership Meeting
Monday, Feb 3rd at 7:00 PM X
Monday, Apr 7th at 7:00 PM X
Saturday, Apr 26th at 10:00 AM X
Monday, Jun 2nd at 7:00 PM X
Tuesday, Sept 2nd at 7:00 PM X
Saturday, Sept 27th at 10:00 AM X
Monday, Oct 6th at 7:00 PM X
Monday, Dec 1st at 7:00 PM X
Information on this web page is dependent on input from the BOD. If you have information to pass on to the community, please make an entry on the Community Input page of this website or email that information to or and one of us will be more than happy to put it on the web page.
A copy of the Covenant Compliance Request, used by the BOD to notify lot owners of possible violations of Whitewater Estates Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCR) has been modified and placed in the Governing Documents section of this website. It is intended for lot owners use in reporting CCR violations to the BOD so appropriate action can be taken. The BOD is asking for the reporting lot owner to identify themselves and provide contact information for two reasons: 1) to allow the BOD to obtain additional information from the reporting party, and 2) to provide feedback to the reporting party of the action taken. Under no circumstances will the reporting party's name be passed to the CCR violator!
General Membership meetings are held at the Roy Community Church. We only have two scheduled Genral Membership meetings per year. Please try to find time in you schedules to attend. The majority of the attending homeowners approve / disapprove of all planned expenditures greater than $5000. If you don't participate, you have no grounds to complain about the decisions made by the BOD and attending homeowners. Our By-Laws only require 5% of the homeowners be present to constitute a quorum and conduct business. So, by not attending these meetings you are allowing a small number of homeowners to make decision for the entire community, BOD and General Membership meeting dates and times are identified above.
A copy of the Whitewater Lot map is attached for your use and information. Whitewater Lot Map
If you have a community horse trail on your property, it is an easement for pedestrian and equestrian use only. These easement are not Green Belts or Natural Buffer Areas referred to in our CCR. Homeowners are responsible for trail upkeep and maintenance. Please see the BOD Notice, "Requirements for the Maintenace and Upkeep of Community Trails", located in the "BOD Policy Letters" section of this website.
Please do not ride or walk your horses on the road shoulders as this erodes the shoulders and defeats the effectiveness of the preemergent herbicide we have applied twice annually.
Homeowners are encouraged to periodically rake the roadside shoulder gravel in front of your property up to road level to minimize asphalt breakaway. Also, please keep loose gravel off the asphalt in front of your residence. Loose gravel greatly accelerates the deterioration of the road.
Homeowners were mailed a copy of "Roadside Clearance Requirements". A copy of this document can also be found in the "BOD Policy Letters" section of this website. Please review and take appropriate action as soon as possible.
There are several lots in the community that have noxious weeds on them. As our noxious weeds crop up, please be diligent at removing them. To assist you in identifying these weeds, please visit the following websites:
Article II (page 3) of our CCR forms an Architectural Committee. Additionally, this article requires prior submission of building plans for approval to the Architectural Committee before construction or alterations of building and structures begins. To assist in this matter the Architectural Committee has added a Construction Checklist to the Governing Documents section of this website. Please use this checklistg to help you through the submission and approval process. If you have any questions, please don not hesitate to contact a member of the Architectural Committee of BOD.
Article III, Section 2 of our CCR states: Livestock consisting of cattle, horses, sheep, and lamas shall be permitted. Pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, and goats are not allowed.